Chapter 9
How should Christians think about politics?
Study Questions
Have you seen “identity politics” play a role within your own Christian community?
Do you believe tolerance is the best way to love others regarding political opinions? Why or why not?
Do you think the church should be involved in politics? Why or why not?
Does this chapter challenge the way you think about political engagement?
How can you properly steward the gift of religious freedom?
Related Scripture
Matthew 22:15–22
Romans 13
Romans 16:17–20
Galatians 6:6–10
Article: Limited Government— Not Just for Grumpy Conservatives
Video: Christians as Citizens
Article: Christianity and Politics— Separating Church and State
Related Reading
Free to Believe, Luke Goodrich
Politics for Christians, Francis J. Beckwith
Letters to a Young Progressive, Mike Adams
Stand Strong America, Jason Jimenez and Alex McFarland