Chapter 7
Can someone be gay or transgender and still be a Christian?
Study Questions
Do you think the church has engaged well on the topic of homosexuality and transgenderism? What could be done better?
Which of the four church camps mentioned in the chapter do you find yourself in?
What is it about the issue of sexuality that makes it so difficult to talk about?
How can we look to Jesus as the example to guide our conversations on this topic?
Related Scripture
Genesis 2:18–24
Leviticus 18
Matthew 19:4–6
Romans 1:24–32
Video: A Crisis of Identity
Article: Sexual Brokenness and the Church
Podcast: Texts and Hermeneutics
Article: Loving Your LGBT Neighbors
Related Reading
Out of a Far Country, Christopher and Angela Yuan
Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, Christopher Yuan
Messy Grace, Caleb Kaltenbach
Loving my LGBT Neighbor, Glenn Stanton
Love Thy Body, Nancy Pearcey
God and the Transgender Debate, Andrew Walker